Monday 15 June 2015

Why Donald J. Trump Will Run And Will Become America's 45th President


DONALD J. TRUMP, born June 14th 1946, in Queens, New York, is soon to be in my opinion, the holder of the most powerful office in the entire world. President of the United States of America. I believe that Mr. Trump has the makings to be one of the nations most successful Presidents since Ronald Reagan.

Firstly, Trump does meet the necessary requirements to hold the highest office in the land. Although lacking the experience of  being elected to public office, he deals with politicians all the time, knowing how they operate and how they do business. You don’t make it to this level of the private sector without having incredibly strong professional interpersonal skills. He possessing the essential abilities of knowing how to compromise during negotiations, so as agreements can be reached, likewise knowing when to pull the plug if the outcome is a bad one for the country. At the very top of the business chain it’s all politics and the power of persuasion, which Trump certainly has, an imperative trait for any would-be President.

Although estimated to be worth $4.1 Billion, its thought his actual wealth could be nearer $10 Billion. Trump loves what he does and is excellent at his job. He’s one of the most recognised faces in America, if not indeed the world, having success beyond most peoples wildest dreams. This however is not enough for Donald Trump, a man who cares about his legacy and who is incredibly passionate about his country. He would like to be known for more than his business achievements, wanting to make a real difference in the world and believing he can make that difference.

 ‘THE DONALD’ is 69 years old, celebrating his birthday just yesterday. He has flirted with the idea of running for President many times before, but this time is different. His age is a factor, young and healthy enough to run now, but give it another 4 years and Donald will be 73. Young enough for a second term but not for his first. Trump knows that if ever there was a moment to run, that moment is now. Added to this, a failing economy with a ballooning deficit and a weak Republican field, make this the most opportune time he will ever have to run. 

Bush the third no matter how well-intentioned or competent, is toxic due to his family name. He simply would not be successful against Clinton. Carson, Cruz, Graham, Huckabee, Perry and Walker are too right of centre to win the national election. Demographics have altered too significantly for any of these candidates to be successful. Rand Pauls laissez-faire libertarianism again just wouldn’t cut it on a national level, while Christie is seen as a liberal by the party grassroots, not to mention still having a hangover from Bridgegate.

TRUMP knows the Democratic party very well, having been a member from 2001 to 2009, not to mention being born in one of the bluest states in the union, New York. He knows how Democrats think, knowing how they operate and how to neutralize their arguments. He’s a show man, presenting a point of view in a clear and articulate manner, while being able to defend his position from every angle of attack and scrutiny, the ability to put a positive spin on just about anything and remain charismatic throughout. He knows how to win against liberals.

Tough talking on economics and national security, playing to the Republican base, while being moderate enough to win nationally. After 8 years of Obama, the people want real change, they want someone new and fresh with ambitious plans about where they want to take the country. Trump is the American story, he is the American dream, he is a result of the capitalist system. This election is going to be fought on the economy and he is the man to deliver. He knows how to balance the books and how to create a fairer international market environment, increasing greater competitiveness and bringing jobs back home. In other words, "Its the economy, stupid", which will be the deciding factor of the race.

TRUMP would work well with either a Democratic or Republican controlled Congress, unlike Obama, President Trump would reach across the aisle and be a champion of bipartisanship. He would be a fixer, a doer, someone who works tirelessly until a solution is found, being creative and intuitive throughout.  He is a compassionate man and would be fair to those at the very bottom of the economic ladder, wanting to see all Americans succeed not just the top few. 

Even though his stances on social issues may become rather more conservative during the primaries, in reality he is a moderate, though will need to play to the influential right-wing base of the party, leaving issues such as same-sex marriage to the states to decide themselves. His entry into the race tomorrow will electrify the Republican party, though it will take time for the grassroots members to be won round, they will come to realize that Trump is their best hope if Hillary Rodham Clinton is to be stopped.

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